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Garena Master Hack v97.00

GarenaMaster FULL
1) Garena Client Features
  • Increase Basic Member room limit t235
  • Name spoofer
  • Removes 5 seconds wait while joining rooms
  • Auto-joiner feature
  • Removes ‘Room is Full’ error message
  • Allows flood in room chat.
  • Exact Ping View
  • Removes MH / CK detection
  • Removes Warcraft protection, syour MH/CK will work properly.
  • Host Hack
  • Leave room while playing
  • EXP Hack [Basic 150xp / 15min | Gold 300xp / 15min in 3 clients.]
  • Styles: styles are not really hacks. It just client sided !
    • Super Admin Style
    • League Admin Style
    • Premium Style
    • Platinum Style
    • Gold Member Style
  • Admin-Menu-Hack (Trace-IP works, some other functions are server-sided)
  • Auto-hides room’s ads.
1.2) Garena Plus Features
  • Name spoofer
  • AutJoiner
  • Removes 5 seconds wait while joining rooms
  • Removes ‘Room is Full’ error message
  • SAFE Flood Hack (Add spaces trepeated messages tmake it undetectable). [new]
  • Removes MH / CK detection
  • Removes Warcraft protection, syour MH/CK will work properly.
  • EXP Hack
  • Host Hack
2) Warcraft III Hack features
  • Reveal units on Mainmap
  • Remove FOG on Mainmap
  • Reveal units on Minimap
  • Remove FOG on Minimap
  • Enable Trade / View Resource
  • Make units clickable
  • Reveal Illusions
  • Reveal Invisibles
  • Show Runes
  • Show Skills / Cooldowns
  • Bypass dota -ah
  • CAM Distance Hack
  • Mana Bars [ Ally / Enemy / All ]
  • Rune Notifier
  • Roshan Notifier
  • Gem Notifier
  • Goblin Notifier
  • Ally/ Enemy/ All Hericon
  • Reveal Ping Signal
  • Red invisible units
  • Delay Reducer
  • Custom Cam Distance Hack
  • Host Hack
  • Battle Net Protection (Cloak DLL & Drop Bnet) (NEW)
  • WAR Mods (Instant Game Start & Default w3 Loading)
  • AutSend Text / Command (For Host Only)
  • WC3 TrueColor (Reveals the enemy selections in their PlayerColor) *credits tDennis @ d3scene
  • Show HP/MP Regen / Speed in number [1.26a only] *credits tSkin@ d3scene
  • Damage Notifier [new]
  • Reveal Naix Ultimate in RED [new]
5) Garena Master Tools
  • War3 Short Key
GarenaMaster Lite
With One Click It Does :
  • Opens 3x (or number of servers that you configured) each account using different servers (not official, that give more exp, configurable)
  • Automatically log in garena, already setting a random port and enabling the options necessary for exp hack work properly
  • Enter a room automatically (configurable)
  • Hides the garena tthe system tray (near the clock)
Using (Using AutAFK System):
  1. Click AutAFK Account List and set up the accounts you want tbe used in the automatic system and check (Afk AutAdd tList)
  2. Click Start AutAFK System and wait until the garenamaster end of doing all the dirty work (if you want tabort, just press Ctrl + F4)
NOTE: If it does not automatically enter in the room, it means that you never entered intany room with this PC and this account since you installed this garena, then just enter it manually in any room with this account that it will work normally
Using (Without AutAFK System):
  • Only click in Start Garena, then garena will open with nprotection and all functions enabled (only not the maphack, read the next step by step if you want tuse it), not harder?
Garena Client Features
  • Increase Basic Member room limit t235
  • Name spoofer
  • Removes 5 seconds wait while joining rooms
  • Auto-joiner feature
  • Removes ‘Room is Full’ error message
  • Allows flood in room chat.
  • Exact Ping View
  • Removes MH / CK detection
  • Removes Warcraft protection, syour MH/CK will work properly.
  • Host Hack
  • Leave room while playing
  • EXP Hack [Basic 150xp / 15min | Gold 300xp / 15min in 3 clients.]
  • Styles: styles are not really hacks. It just client sided !
    • Super Admin Style
    • League Admin Style
    • Premium Style
    • Platinum Style
    • Gold Member Style
  • Admin-Menu-Hack (Trace-IP works, some other functions are server-sided)
  • Auto-hides room’s ads.
Garena Plus Features
  • Name spoofer
  • Removes 5 seconds wait while joining rooms
  • Removes ‘Room is Full’ error message
  • Allows flood in room chat.
  • Removes MH / CK detection
  • Removes Warcraft protection, syour MH/CK will work properly.
  • EXP Hack
  • Host Hack
Warcraft III Hack features
  • CAM Distance Hack
  • Reveal units on Mainmap / Invisibles: Main & Mini
  • Remove FOG on Mainmap
  • Reveal units on Minimap
  • Remove FOG on Minimap
  • Enable Trade / Resource View
  • Make units clickable
  • Reveal Illusions
  • Show Runes
  • Show Skills / Cooldowns
  • Bypass dota -ah
  • Show Pings signal

Host Hack [Enabled by default]:

  • Tuse the Host Hack commands (features made only thost, in GarenaMaster FULL) while in game type F12 and select the user tsend the private message, then just send it tthe user inside the game:
PS: Don’t forgot the dot!!! ”.”
Kick a player without waiting time:
  • .k or .kick
Kick a player with waiting time:
  • .b or .block
Lag the player (Configure the intensity in Garena Tab [DelayOn(ms)])
  • .xon or .delayon
Remove lag from the player that you lagged
  • .xoff or .delayoff

GarenaMaster Lite:

What is AutAFK System?

  • AutAFK System is an feature exclusive for GarenaMaster LITE (for now) and Garena Client (for now) that let you gain the maximum exp possible automatically with just 1 click.
It will dfor you:
  • Open 3 instances (or the number of configured servers in ”Servers List”) of garena and change the server/port tget more exp and login automatically in the room configured in ”Room tjoin” with each account configured in ”Account List”.
You can gain exp from multiple servers if you login with different server/port 3 times (max)
so, if you are gold member you can get the max of 100×3 (300) exp and basic member 50×3 (150) exp…
If you dnot get the maximum exp possible, dnot blame us, its fault of Garena Server Delay…. we just make garena think that you’re playing, the rest is with garena…
You just need configure the wanted accounts on Account List, check the option ”Add tAutAFK System” then click in ”AutAfk System”:

(Only Garena Client is supported for now)
Know bugs on AutAFK System:
  • If you never logged in with this account on this installation of garena on your pc the autafk system will not enter on room automatically, syou just need manually enter on room at least one time with every new account that you configure (if you never entered in any room with this account on your pc)
  • Working with new Garena Update (30/07/2012)
  • Improved ADS System
  • Continue button will only appear after the time (6s in the first time) instead of countdown.
  • Fixed bug that may cause you to see no users in any room and make you unable to join if you type the wrong password… now will display the proper message.
  • Reworked Garena Plus features on GM Lite, it now will use dll injection to Garena Features, that will have same feature as full (not war3 features)
News to GM Lite:
  • Added Host Hack.
  • Added Auto Room Joiner
  • And all others features that the GM Full have (garena only, war3 still the same)

Гайд по использованию Garena Master

Метки к статье: master, v97.00, hack, Garena
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